1. 加州大学戴维斯校区(全美综合排名第44)
2. 印第安纳大学伯明顿校区(全美商科排名第9)
多才多艺的韩旭,从小喜欢音乐,获钢琴十级证书, 在体育方面也取得不错成就,初高中六年,她是校运会健将。韩旭积极参加富有挑战的公益活动, 有较为突出的学术功底和合作意识,关注民俗文化,创办个人微信公众号WikiChengd(维基成都), 向国内外青少年朋友宣介家乡成都, 受到一致好评。
AP微积分老师: 韩旭(英文名Kimberly)同学勤奋好学,专心听讲认真笔记,按时完成作业,积极参加
Kimberly is a studious, diligent pupil. She takes notes very thoroughly and pays close attention to the teacher in class. She always finishes her homework on time and actively participates in class. She is also kind-hearted to explain questions to other students who need help with this subject.
-- Clare, teacher of AP Calculus BC
AP物理老师: 韩旭同学积极上进,目标明确,勤奋踏实。祝留学深造取得非凡成绩。
Kimberly is a great student. She knows what she wants and she was doing very well. It is hoped she can make great progress in the future studying abroad.
--Adrian, teacher of AP Statistics
AP统计学老师: 韩旭同学努力刻苦,奋起直追终有所获。愿坚持不懈,更上一层楼。
Kimberly is working very hard and her effort pays off. She can definitely be very successful in university study with her perseverance.
--Rayn, teacher of AP Statistics
AP 世界史老师/课程中心学术校长: 韩旭同学聪明伶俐,表达清楚,乐于奉献获得好评。她品质优异,
Kimberly is an intelligent and articulate individual with much to offer. Her contributions are always well considered and appropriate. With the ability to carve out a very bright future for herself, Kimberly possesses many fine characteristics that will always stand her in good stead. She is assertive but is also sympathetic to the views of others. Kimberly is keen on concepts in addition to content and this quality is highly valued by all universities and colleges. Success will inevitably come her way and it will certainly be richly deserved.
--Bennett, teacher of AP World History/Principal of AP Centre